Zeus 2019 Deals

Zeus has been involved in over £8.8bn of mid-market transactions in the past 7 years, of which £1.8bn were in 2019. These have included IPOs, placings, private placements, M&A and debt advisory.

2019 in numbers

  • 31 transactions
  • £1.8bn Gross value of transactions
  • £1.1bn New debt and equity capital raised

PE transactions

Public and private capital raised

Debt advisory transactions

M&A and Public to Privates

Gross value £654m

Gross value £628m

Gross value £477m

Gross value £254m

2019 Transactions

Merian Chrysalis Investment Company Ltd

£366m Market cap

Follow-on £100m

Private placement £30m

Lead Manager

Joint Bookrunner

Financial adviser

Boohoo & Karen Millen

M&A £18.2m acquisition

Secondary placing £142.5m

PE Secondary £90m

Financial adviser

Joint Global Co-ordinator

Financial adviser

Sovereign Capital Partners
Mayfair Equity Partners & Yo! Sushi

Take private £65m

Acquisition financing Undisclosed

Debt refinancing Undisclosed

Financial adviser to Sovereign Capital Partners

Adviser to Mayfair Equity Partners

Debt adviser to Vitruvian Partners

SimplyBiz Group & Defaqto
Sumo Digital & Tencent

Follow-on & acquisition £74.3m acquisition & £29.1m placing

Secondary placing £24m

M&A Undisclosed

Nomad and Joint broker

Nomad and Broker

Financial adviser

Sir Nigel Knowles

Chairman of Zeus

Despite a challenging economic environment, we are delighted with our recent performance completing over 30 deals valued at £1.8 billion. We have continued to successfully diversify our earnings with a significant increase in both Public and Private M&A and Financings, a trend we expect to continue. Following the recent election result, the market is seen to be picking up as we enter the New Year. Looking forward to 2020 we expect another very busy year and are already seeing a significant increase in our pipeline.